Athlete and Performance Identity

Earlier this week I posted about Performance Identity: (Click here to see ) and the responses told me it’s something that we as parents/coaches should be more aware of.

Their attitudes, their confidence and their Identity can often be shaped by how they perform in a game, race or speech.

Let’s help them understand IT DOESN’T DEFINE YOU.

I like to say it’s 90% prep and 10% performance, lets put less stress on
them to PERFORM and encourage them to PRACTICE. It’ll develop better
athletes and young men & women.

If your athlete could benefit from this kind of coaching, we have a new
Fast Twitch program rolling out.

Here’s what a parent recently shared:

“Thank you guys for inspiring the boys and working on the MENTAL SIDE of
being a great athlete!”

To claim a training session, email us today at: and hear
about our unique way of coaching:
1) Mental Strength
2) Physical Strength and Speed
3) Paperclip Challenge

It’s how we’ve been able to help so many kids stop DEFINING by a single
good or bad day.

Coach Jeremy

P.S. We are also launching a new age group within our Fast Twitch program
called Rising Star…it’s for ages 7-10. Email Us at to
find out more details.


“I pick things up, I put them down”… If you’ve never seen the Planet Fitness commercial where the huge meat head guy answers all questions with this phrase, be sure to look it up. It’s hilarious.

This week I’m going to make it short and sweet. This phrase/acronym means so much to me that I hope at least one of the letters will resonate with you.

S – Stay the Course (no matter what, stick to your plan because jumping around and trying stuff doesn’t work)

T – Be Tenacious (hold tightly to your goals and just don’t let go of that dream)

R – Reach for the Stars (you CAN get your pre-baby body back and you CAN do amazing things)

O – Overcome Obstacles (be prepared because you know stuffs going to happen, birthdays, vacations, etc)

N – Never Give Up (even if you hit a plateau and can’t seem to make that final push to the goal, DON’T QUIT)

G – Good Leads to Greatness (don’t try to be perfect at first, good things done consistently lead to great results)

If one of these words spoke to you, write it down on a post-it-note and place it somewhere you are going to see multiple times every day.

Strong isn’t just about picking heavy things up and putting them down, it’s about being prepared both physically and mentally to pursue greatness. Greatness both with your physical body as well as your mental strength.

I hope you have an amazing Labor Day weekend and a STRONG week ahead.

Coach Jeremy

P.S. If you are not on the Monday STRONG Emails, Email Kari and she can add you to this list.

Being a Slave to the Scale

Are you a slave to your scale? Do you make decisions about food, exercise and even the clothes you wear based on ONE number you see each morning?

Over the past 10 years I’ve had dozens, if not hundreds, of clients that allowed a single number to determine their outlook for the day.

I’m here to tell you it’s got to stop and it CAN! With THREE simple steps.

Step #1 – Move the scale out of the bathroom so you don’t look at it every morning. You will be surprised at how impactful this can be.  See Pam’s story about moving the scale and making this shift and becoming so much happier (and healthier I might add) because of it.

“Random… but mac moved the scale in my bathroom yesterday. I had moved it out over a year ago because I used to be a SLAVE to the scale. Like would weigh myself EVERY morning first thing. Then after I peed. Then after dinner. And many times throughout the day. For YEARS!!! Half a pound gain would make me lose my mind. Half a pound loss would validate me. Anything over 125lbs would Shut. Me. Down. I’d skip meals to get back under. My goal was under 120…. always stay under 120. At one point in college I weighed 105… and I was proud.  So proud. To the point where I wanted them to change it on my drivers license so it was documented. Today I stepped on the scale just because it was there and saw this and was like “cool whatever” and stepped back off. For the first time in my life I give zero F—‘s about what the scale says. Zero. Because I kick ass in class. Because I keep a decent pace running. Because I make the best food choices I can without being a slave to tracking. My validation doesn’t come from a number on a scale anymore and to me that is HUGE. But I know it’s because of the confidence and validation I get in class and in what y’all have shown me I’m capable of… “


Step #2 – Think about yourself in terms of being strong rather than being skinny. I’m not talking about being strong like Arnold or strong like The Rock, but strong mentally and physically. Strong enough to get down on the floor and play with your grandkids, strong enough to walk 18 holes and still have the energy to be engaged with your family at the end of the day.

Step #3 – Hire a coach who will challenge you in more ways than losing 10lbs, someone who will see your full potential and won’t accept you selling yourself short anymore. But they also see where you are at right now in your journey and can lock arms with you every-step of the way. A coach, a mentor, a friend.

These three action steps will free you of the chains of slavery to the scale. Listen to me… you know when your body is changing and it has nothing to do with a digital reading on some machine that sits on the floor. Your clothes and your energy tell you more than a $20 machine you bought at Wal-Mart.

Look at the three steps above, #1 should be simple but #2 usually occurs after you’ve completed #3. If you are looking for a coach to meet you where you’re at in your journey and then take you to where you want to be Email Kari for your free consultation. Its on the house, and your chance to see if GTS is the right place and has the coaches to help you break free!

Be STRONG my friends.

Coach Jeremy

P.S. If you are not on the Monday STRONG Emails, Email Kari and she can add you to this list.

Rituals and Routine

Many of you know that I recently made a big decision in my business and it really changed my morning routine that had been pretty consistent for close to 9 years.

I recently decided that I would remove myself from leading classes at GTS. It’s been a challenging, humbling, crazy experience and many things I had planned on. What I didn’t anticipate was the depth to which my morning routine would impact my days and my mental outlook.

After so many years of setting the alarm at either 4 or 5am I no longer “HAD” to do this to get somewhere. At first it felt amazing, but something started to change.

Over the course of a month or so something started to shift, my workouts were not the same, my attitude at home with Brandy and the kids wasn’t very good and in general I just wasn’t myself. I was struggling with “happiness” and as hesitant as I am to share that publicly it was true.

There were a few things at play here, but the big thing I knew I had to change immediately was my morning routine. Did you know that almost all super-achievers in this world are early risers? Did you also know the vast majority of them also spend time in SILENCE, MEDITATION OR PRAYER? Tim Ferriss (author of “4-Hour Work Week” and “4-Hour Body”) has studied hundreds of these high achievers (Oprah Winfrey, Arnold S, Will Smith, etc..) and one of the only common themes for all of them is this early morning routine.

I made the decision one month ago to change, or regain my morning routine, back to getting up early and starting my day with specific intentions. The difference has been absolutely amazing. Not only in business, but my personal life as well.

The reason I’m sharing this with you isn’t to get you to wake-up at 5 or even 4 am, but rather to show you how impact-ful routines and habits can be in your life.

What area of your life could benefit from either establishing a new routine or habit? What if you decided that every morning, on your drive to work, you would turn OFF the news or radio and turn on some positive training that’s specific to your goals? I call this Mobile University and the 20 minutes going and coming to the gym are so helpful.

Routines are so powerful, they can drive and push you slightly closer to your goals or they can slowly push you downward into a state of mind that’s detrimental to everyone close to you.

Your Mission, “should you choose to accept it”: Focus on one habit or routine that needs some improvement.

Here are a few ideas to get you going:

  1. Immediately after waking up, drink 8 ounces of water. Our bodies are totally dehydrated after sleeping and this simple routine will refresh your mind and jump-start your day.
  2. Enroll in Mobile University. Find a podcast in your industry (or something that inspires you) and listen to it in your car. Heck, just turning off the news will put you in a better mood.
  3. Make one phone call to someone special in your life, that you don’t get to see very often. Carve out 10 minutes during your lunch break and make the call.
  4. As your shower is warming-up, take 5 minutes and stretch a tight area on your body. For me, its always my hips. Just a little tip, if you have kids at home, lock the door or do the stretches with your clothes still on… I’ll leave it there 🙂

This week, focus on revamping, improving or tweaking just one habit or routine. Sometimes the impact is immediate and sometimes it takes a little longer so make sure you stick with it.

Be STRONG my Friends!

Your Coach


If you have a comment or question, please reach out, I’m here to help. If you aren’t on our Motivational Monday list, EMAIL KARI to gain access to this weekly encouragement and challenge.

Rearview Mirror

This Weeks Thought: The Rear-View Mirror

On a car a Rearview Mirror is really important, in life and when you are trying to make a change it’s one of the most crippling causes of failure. Often times when presented with an opportunity or new program we quickly check our past accomplishments, “No, I’ve never achieved at that level before. In fact, I’ve failed time and time again!”

Not looking behind you can have its advantages, when it’s moving forward and attacking a goal or when you are pulling your first ever 26 foot camper like I was 4 years ago.

Brandy and I had camped for nearly a decade, we both loved it! It was an opportunity to unplug, reconnect with each other and in general just be in nature. The struggle came when the miracles we call Seth, Sam and Brooklynn were born. God bless my wife, she was determined it wasn’t going to stop us from camping so she would do everything in her power to make it happen.

Including breastfeeding an infant in a three man dome tent (the kind you can’t even stand up in).

This lasted for several years, until one fateful night of pouring rain, a stomach virus that had all three kids throwing up and a zipper breaking on the front door leaving us without a blanket and getting rained on in the North Georgia Mountains.

That’s it, we’re DONE.

A few months later we bought our first ever camper (26 feet of awesome-ness!). Only problem, I’d never really pulled anything before. Never-the-less something this big and complicated to hook-up, steer and back-up!

After only a few minutes on the road I realized something – I can’t use my rear-view mirror! I can’t look behind me at all. For miles and miles I would, out of habit, look in the mirror before trying to change lanes. It was really frustrating, to say the least.

Then something started to happen, I started trusting new tools; such as Brandy helping me back-up into spots and add on side mirrors but the kicker was when I decided… I’ve got to stop looking behind me and focus on whats in front of me.

This week, your “Mission, should you choose to accept it” is to stop thinking about your goals in terms of past failures. Start looking to the future and begin using new tools and beliefs to get you there. Here are a few suggestions to how you can STOP looking at why you didn’t achieve the goal last time, but what you CAN do to achieve the goal this time!

Action Item:

  • Once per day (either before bed or first thing in the morning) write down your goal and that you WILL reach it. For now, don’t give it a deadline but rather focus on the positive affirmation instead.
  • Share the goal with your coach, accountability partner, spouse or anyone you think will help hold you accountable.
  • Write down ONE thing you will do that is different than what you’ve been doing, that will help you reach the goal.
  • If you find yourself saying something  like what I used to say a lot, “SEE, that’s just my luck”  when the first obstacle comes your way repeat this mantra… I’m STRONG and I will work around this new obstacle. Don’t slouch, stand up tall pull your shoulders back and BELIEVE what you say… Even if you don’t really believe it, fake it until you make it.

This week, don’t look back, look ahead and go after your goals my friends. You are capable of so much, now lets make it happen!

Be S.T.R.O.N.G.

Coach Jeremy

P.S. If you’ve enjoyed this article and think it would benefit you or a friend, we can get you on the Monday STRONG Motivational Email List, Email Kari.


Bridge the Gap Between Right Now and What You Really Want

Do you know what you want to accomplish, do you know your goal weight, strength needs and what you want your body to look like, but don’t know how to bridge the gap between where you’re at and the goals you have. That gap can seem like the Grand Canyon if you don’t know the right action steps. This can have you feeling like you will never reach & maintain your goals. If you will stay with me, I can show you how to fix all that.

You and I are living in a time and place that offers more gyms, more fitness magazines filled with insider secrets, personal trainers, crossfit facilities and resources than ever before. Yet, most everyone has yet to tap into their full potential and reach their health and fitness goals. I’m not cool with that, are you?


Have you ever felt like you’ve gotten really close to your big goal, maybe even reached that goal but failed to maintain it? Perhaps you’ve felt like you’re constantly chasing your potential, getting closer and closer but every-time you scroll on Facebook you see people who “must” have it figured out and suddenly you feel further away than ever! Their posts and their before and after pictures are amazing, what do they know that you don’t know?

I call this the Canyon Effect. Meaning you see the body and the life you want on the other side yet you feel stuck. You know what you want, but you don’t know exactly whats needed to bridge the gap and cross that canyon.

Here are the four most common mistakes I see,
*Frustration over lack of progress. I know I know, we want it NOW.
*Spending too much time thinking about the actions we should be taking to create the results we desire but then we don’t take those actions. Otherwise known as Analysis Paralysis
* Thinking that the first few days of the new habit are how the habit will be forever, these 7-10 days are short term and with a proper plan it will move from Unbearable to Uncomfortable to UNSTOPPABLE!
*Trying to do it all alone. Finding a workout friend, accountability partner or a coach increases your chances for success by over 300%.

The Canyon varies in size from person to person. Whatever the case is for you (driving the golf ball further than your buddies, running faster and easier than your girlfriends or being strong enough to get down on the floor and play with your grand-kids), know that you can absolutely positively bridge the gap and start living up to your full potential.

I can assure you through my own transformative journey- from the depths of making excuses about life being too busy and too demanding to almost instantly obtaining decade long goals that I almost never thought possible – your commitment to this daily development is going to be instrumental in your own transformation.

Time to Reach your 20x Potential

As a mentor of mine would say (Mark Divine/ “You are capable of 20x more than what you think you can do”. Another reason people don’t bridge the gap of the canyon is they feel Overwhelmed and Overrun by the day-2-day schedule and demands.

Stop allowing current life situations to eat up all your time and energy needed to work on your dreams and aspirations. The actions that are more important WILL get done, and we can help you, right here in this very moment you can make the same choice that I made. In order to save your life from one of mediocrity and become what we call GTS Strong (mentally and physically strong enough do anything in life that brings you joy) I only need 6 weeks from you.

The other side of your life, the 20x side, the side void of regret and blah can be yours. Are you ready?

If so, Email Kari, to begin construction of the bridge that leads to the most extraordinary life you’ve ever imagined.

I can’t wait to hear your success story.

Your Coach

Jeremy Gritton
Owner, Gritton’s Training System

P.S. Be sure to ask Kari about the “early bird” special when you email her.