Motivational Quote

Hi Everyone,

I am working on getting some t-shirts made for everyone and I wanted to include a phrase, lets call it a “rallying cry” for everyone. Private clients, Kettlebell and Boot Campers are all welcome to vote.

Vote for your favorite phrase below, and whichever one gets the most votes will go on our new shirts.

  1. Excuses are useless, Results are priceless.

  2. Life’s only limitations are the ones you make.

  3. Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life.

  4. Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.

  5. I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday.

Just post on the blog which one you think fits best.

If you have a favorite, go ahead and post it for consideration.

Your Coach


Extravagant Dreaming

Allowing your mind to think extravagantly will lead you to extravagant dreaming. You know, the kind of dreaming you did when you were young and didn’t have a million responsibilities. The kind of dreams where you had a completely flat stomach, arms you were proud to show off and legs where you never hesitated to wear shorts. The kind of dreams that were so big, you knew you had to GROW into them.

It takes courage to dream like that, now that you have a career or a house full of kids. Only difference between the dream and reality is ACTION thought. Unfulfilled dreams are just dreams that were never followed through with action. The danger is that these unfulfilled dreams of better health, smaller clothing sizes and energy to complete almost any task can begin to affect your success in other areas of life. They begin to produce a scarcity pattern…

Dreams lead to action. Action leads to reality!

Do you believe dreams really do come true? I do… One Day 5 years ago I began my journey of working full time as a health and wellness coach and today I can proudly say I am living my dream. BUT, it all started with the very first action of going out and seeking professional help. I knew if I wanted to make this dream a reality I had to stop DREAMING and start DOING!

Just had a conversation after a boot camp this morning that made my day. Had a long time client share her most recent weigh-in number and told me she hasn’t weighed that little in many many years. Her dream, her extravagant dream could have fizzled out after having her kids, raising them and working a full time career…BUT IT DIDN’T. She may have not joined boot camp 2 years ago with that goal in mind, but sometimes something you think is impossible becomes very possible when you have a support team and you practice consistency! In summary, you TAKE ACTION.

I’m here to tell you, you can rekindle your dreams of having that lean and muscular body. I want you to recall any such goal you might have had, ones that you put off and then decide what small act you will take TODAY.

If you want a little help with your goals, one step you can take is to contact me for a free consultation (a $55 Value) to determine how we can get you to those dreams. Doesn’t matter how long ago those dreams were or how far away they may seem right now, the only thing that matters is action!

Take action call (404) 625-5778 or email me today and we can practice your extravagant dreaming until it becomes reality.

In Your Health

Jeremy Gritton


Good news just got even better! Not only can I help guide you towards your dreams… NOW you can do so without having to join World Gym. If we determine one of my services is the appropriate plan of action for you, there isn’t anything additional you need to do to gain access to all the available services.


Ever struggled with consistency, or being a winner in your own eyes? No, LIAR… I certainly do, more than you can imagine.

My wife Brandy is the most consistent person I know and it inspires me to do the same. One of my goals for the past few months has been to run at least 2 times per week and get back to my running ability of when I was much younger.

I want to tell you why “swallowing” a bug is a sure fire indicator that you are a winner. Let me elaborate.

Well, yesterday was a day when I just wasn’t feeling it. It was cloudy, rainy and a little chilly, plus I hadn’t slept much the night before (excuses, excuses). Plus I have a race next Saturday so I figured, I ain’t gettin’ any faster so I’ll just head home. I mustered up enough energy (with the help of some Advocare Spark) to head to the lake for my pre-race ritual run.

Upon arriving the parking lot was empty, which is weird in itself because there is usually so much energy from other people walking, jogging, riding bikes and playing with their dogs at Drake Field. Its one reason I love to start a run from there.

I started stretching and put in my favorite run song, a little Eminem (lose yourself) which usually always works, nope still sitting on the tailgate of my old pickup. Just keep thinking about building a fire for me and the kids and watching a new show I found (Alaska, the last frontier).

Somehow, I dug down deep. Actually what did it was this sheet called my Weekly Tracking Sheet where I tally my score from things I set as goals. All that was left was my run to finish everything. The thought of having to add up all my tasks and losing a point helped to get me moving.

Started running and was trying to find the positive about 1/4 mile into it, Swallowed a HUGE BUG. Not some normal bug, I swear this thing was a mini-bat or crow… Now, I know you are thinking that its because I have such a huge mouth (and I do) but that’s besides the point. As I was choking and spitting like some darn fool, another runner came by me with this huge smile on her face. If she wasn’t so much faster than me I would have smacked her.

Regardless, I kept going and it got me to thinking. That’s the real reason I’m writing to you today. Have you ever thought about how swallowing a bug made me a winner yesterday? Not because I’m some stud runner who wins races, but rather because I am being consistent with something and it shows in how I feel and how I perform.

That leads me to my point, winning can mean a lot of things. Winning means, being consistent regardless of days when its hard to get to the gym and perform your workout. When you have had a long day at work and the last thing on your mind is eating some chicken breast and broccoli. When its cold outside and you would rather hit snooze one more time.

You see, when we can be consistent with something that is when all the magic happens. In a day and age when all people promote is mega pounds dropped in 24 hours and 30minute miracle workouts without eating properly, its hard to think about being consistent or anything long term.

We all live in a society that wants it when we want it and nobody can tell us otherwise. However, I want to challenge you to set a weekly goal and a yearly goal for yourself.

Here are a few ideas to hopefully help spark some thoughts:

  1. Performing at least 2 strength workouts each week.
  2. Completing 2-3 cardio workouts each week.
  3. Having at least 2 healthy meals each day (hopefully breakfast and dinner)
  4. Drinking 64 ounces of water each day

There are a million more, obviously, but hopefully this will get your creative ideas going.

Make it a goal to accomplish each goal every week. Then see how many that would be for a year and shoot to reach each goal not only each week, but also by the time 12 months are up.

Here are a few of my goals:

  1. Run 2 times per week (as I already shared…which now includes, not to swallow a bug on at least one of them)
  2. Strength train 4 times per week
  3. Have no sweets after dinner
  4. Have 5 minutes of prayer and quiet time each day to reflect on my life and the blessings I have

Finally, if you want to be a winner – then you Have To Be Consistent. Every time you are able to check-off one of these goals that are important to you its like making a small deposit into your health and wellness. Stop yo-yo dieting and crashing hard core after some low-carb meal plan for 4 weeks. Shoot for 1pound per week or even less, but doing it every week is the key to losing it and keeping it off.

If you want or need help being consistent, if you need someone to help hold you accountable or you just want a group to share struggles and successes with I would like to offer you a FREE week of either Kettlebell or Boot Camp. Come try me/us out. Its a $50 value and several of the classes are full, so if you want to take me up on it please email me today

Here’s to swallowing bugs, making checks on your weekly goals and being a WINNER.

Dedicated to your health;

Jeremy Gritton


If you want more details on that weekly sheet, check out a book called The Compound Effect (by Darren Hardy). I highly recommend it.



Seasons of Life

Ever thought about how Life and Our Health are like the changing seasons. I’ve thought about it many times, but I just finished up an article from the late Jim Rohn that inspired me to write to you today.

One of the best ways to illustrate our health and fitness is how the seasons change. We can’t change the seasons, but we can change ourselves. Winter is going to come, tougher times with more challenging temptations and obstacles to overcome. The question is, how will you handle it? What will  you do when Thanksgiving comes up, when the Christmas parties start to get more frequent and when New Years hits?

One thing will never change and that’s the changing of seasons in our health.There are springs when everything is good, when you just signed up for some new program or you get excited about some new goal.  Key thing is to take advantage of the “spring” and get out there planting seeds as long and as fast as you can.

Then comes Summer (which is probably actually spring time on the calendar). In the summer of life, outdoor activities start to happen, vacations begin to occur and we tend to loose our focus.

Then comes fall (which is probably summer time for our health talk). Fall is when you are either admiring your hard work through spring and summer and looking at a bountiful crop/body or you are complaining and pointing fingers at why the field is baron. You see, if you go through Spring and Summer (January thru May and Sep – Mid November) without exercising and without watching what you eat you will not have a very bountiful crop. Your body will NOT look the way you wanted it to. Your body will not be able to crash diet for 6 weeks and then go to the beach and feel confident.

Come fall, you are either reaping the rewards of your hard work or you are begging for help. I want to challenge you to consider this time right now as the time to be planting seeds for the fall. Life is surely going to change in the next couple of months. Fall (literally) will give way to winter and with winter brings more temptations and excuses as to why you can’t lose weight or change the way your body looks. Take this opportunity right now, plant seeds before the window of opportunity closes on you. Ever tried planting seeds in the dead of winter? I can tell you your results will not be very good if you try to wait until November or December to plant any seeds.

Start planting right now! If you have been away for awhile and you are in need of a new SPRING, a time to get rejuvenated and back into fitness I have a great opportunity for you. It’s called Custom Kickstart and it is a 6-week Kettlebell program for under $200. If you think you are ready to get rolling give me a call right now (404) 625-5778 as we can only take 6 people for this program. There is a complimentary technique class October 7th, just for you so act now to get enrolled. Just give me a call and I can walk you through everything. Program actually begins October 10th at 5:15am.

If you are currently a GTS client and have perhaps had a nice leisurely couple of months, set yourself some new goals and get out there planting seeds! No better time in Georgia than these next 6 weeks to be active and healthy.

Remember, you are either going to be “reaping the benefits of  your hard work, or looking for help come January 1st”. Why wait, you know its coming.

In Your Health



Custom Kickstart Kettlebell Program will include; meal plans, food journal review, 12 workouts and 100% guaranteed results. Just make sure you call me before the spots are all taken (404) 625-5778.




Miracle of the Bamboo Tree

Recently I was reading a book by Stephen Covey (author of the best selling “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”) called “First Things First” and a small section really stuck with me.

I think it applies so well to Health and Fitness and I know occasionally I find myself doing the same thing. Specifically, I mean I want to do something and see the results right then and there. I want to lift some weights and actually see my muscles get bigger, I want to run at the track with our Gritton’s Running Club and immediately be able to run faster. I know its wrong, but I can’t help it.

You ever find yourself working out and eating well for a few weeks and then getting frustrated because you aren’t SEEING the weight change or the numbers on the body-fat machine go down? Then you give up because you decide its not working. I have seen it so many times (and can confess to feeling it a little bit myself).

Let me tell you a little story about how a Bamboo Tree grows. Farmers cultivate and prepare the soil to plant (many hours of intensive labor) and then for the first FOUR years nothing happens, Ttat they can see anyways. For the first 48 months all the growth goes on below the surface. Then you know what happens… in the fifth year of the life of a bamboo tree it shoots up to 80 feet tall! Can you imagine 48 months of exercise and wise food choices without seeing anything change on the scale? Sometimes that is due to poor nutrition or knowledge to put together a complete plan…but lets just say you are doing the right things. All those hours of getting to the gym when you don’t really feel like it, all those days of being sore and fatigued due to a strenuous workout. Week after week of making wise food choices and opting for slightly more boring foods like chicken, fish, vegetables and fruit and without a pound of weight loss.

BUT, what you have to remember is what is going on “underground”. What good things are happening inside your body? Are you strengthening your core for longevity and avoiding back injuries? Are you prolonging not only your life, but the quality of that life? You see, in our instant gratification world of credit cards and yo-yo crash dieting we forget that the most important thing should and probably is going on underground.

Lets all be like a Bamboo Tree… when we don’t see the exact numbers on the body-fat machine or the scale, don’t throw in the towel. Stay focused and remember what WILL happen in year five! You drop 80 pounds or you lose those 2 inches in your waist. You suddenly make the mental connection of… I WILL apply all these things I’ve learned with Jeremy and Gritton’s Training System.

Sometimes people jump into one of my programs and instantly see the “above ground stuff happen” and sometimes it takes a little longer. BUT, without fail anyone who stays the course WILL find the magic of that fifth year (but usually much sooner…).

If maybe you had thrown in the towel due to frustration or perhaps not seeing the instant results you desired, I want to encourage you to call me (404) 625-5778 for a free 30 minute consultation. In that time we can discuss how to develop “underground” progress as well as above ground progress. I’ve got some new and exciting things going on and I would love the opportunity to discuss them with you. Lets figure out how to GET you to your goals and then how to keep you there.

In Your Health;

Jeremy Gritton



Everyone go ahead and bookmark the new website address and like the new facebook page:

two days each week dont matter

Hi everyone,

I want to share with you a way to rid yourself of guilt over blowing  your diet, or falling off the wagon with your exercise. Trust me, I know it happens to all of us. I want to share with you how two days per week can and should be completely worry free and non-stressful (and no, I’m not talking about the weekend).

If you know me very well, you know I’m pretty open and honest about things (good or bad). I have been going through some growing opportunities recently in my life and it has been not only humbling, but really good for me.

Recently when I was in church I took home a message that talked about working on me! It has given me some insight on guilt or remorse that you and I might feel, and need to stop.

Specifically I want to share with you a concept I just learned about the two day rule… Ever been doing great on your nutritional plan, then blown it on Friday night only to end up saying… “I’ll start again on Monday”. Don’t answer that, I already know 🙂 Then maybe that turns into a week or a month and you start to kick yourself for putting on some weight you had lost. Then you start to stress out about the next day and week and wonder if you will even stick to your plan or will you stumble again.

Here is a cool concept that I want to encourage you to give a try. Begin the process of not looking back with guilt and anger over something negative you may have done, but rather look back learn from it and move on!

Then remove the fear and doubt about tomorrow and what you may or may not do, stay with the plan or fall off the wagon, dwelling on tomorrow doesn’t help anything.

Yesterday and tomorrow are FREE days, get them out of your mind and focus on only one thing TODAY. Make the right decisions nutritionally, choose to exercise and do something for your health TODAY and don’t even think about the past or the future. Everything in the future will work itself out with your health and fitness goals if you just focus on one day at a time.

I was recently looking back and analyzing/agonizing over every decision I made with something for the past 18months. Finally I decided that I have learned from it and now I just want to focus on today. Being a better coach for each of my clients and anyone willing to listen, and being a better husband and father for my family.

Join me on this new program, focus on TODAY, focus on you and get rid of any and all head-trash you might have about past failures. It can be a really liberating experience and one you won’t regret.

If you decide you are ready to focus on TODAY(with your nutrition and exercise) and you want a little coaching then I want to extend an offer for a FREE seminar and 24 Day Challenge product meeting. We will be discussing the top 5 things that will transform your health nutritionally, I’ll be sharing some done for you meal plans along with an informational meeting about the Advocare products to really help you get TODAY going. There is no obligation to purchase, its just information that you can take and use then decide if you want to ramp up your results. I only have 3 spots left for this meeting on Tuesday night July 17th (6:30pm). Email me to reserve a spot in the room

Your Coach




Don’t forget, sometimes all it takes to transform your life is the FIRST STEP… Whatever that means for you… TAKE IT and then focus on what you can do TODAY to improve your situation. Not on Monday.