Vote for your favorite T-shirt slogan!

We are gearing up to order our new Gritton’s Training System T-shirts for the summer. We want your help. Hopefully you’ve all chosen your size during classes last
week but now we need to choose a fun slogan to print on the back. So we are taking a vote! YOU, get to pick what gets printed on our new shirts (all enrolled clients
get a free t-shirt!)

Cast your vote!

Voting ends at 12:00pm on Tuesday June 24th!  Thanks for your votes!!!

Winning Slogan:winningslogan


Only Two Choices

Everyday you are faced with hundreds of decisions, decisions on what to eat, what to wear, what to say, which email to open, who’s facebook to read, to exercise, etc…etc…

Tons of decisions, but really there are only two. To do, or not to do! As Yoda puts it in Empire Strikes Back, “Do or do not; there is no try”

Now I know there can be a million options based off of one thing, such as the 4-thousand colors of WHITE… What the heck, is white even a color? Off white, light white, dark white, white white… But ultimately, even though there are tons of varying shades, there are only three primary colors: Red, Blue and Yellow.

Just like our incredibly diverse language, from all the words written, spoken, typed, texted or whatever… There are only 26 letters in the English Language. You just have to decide which of the 26 you use.

In everyday life you are faced with tons of Yes or No decisions, not to say that they are easy. They could be gray and masked with other more complicated things, but ultimately its fifty-fifty.

This is where little actions add up to big time changes. Constantly saying no – to exercise, to some functional strength training, no to a little time for yourself when all you do is give give give for others around you. This diminishes YOU and if you want big changes in your health in 2013 you have to be open to change. To YES.

Ask yourself, what is your desired outcome. I guarantee it means saying YES many more times to your exercise plan and YES to your nutritional program.

If you choose No, you might say, “NO, I don’t have control of of my life or destiny, No, I don’t have time to pursue an exercise plan or No, I don’t care for tomorrow because I am too busy putting out fires today. No’s don’t move you forward and No’s certainly don’t help you lose weight, drop body-fat or get healthier.

On the other hand (and the right one) you could say YES, “YES, I have decided to enjoy my life not only today but for many years to come. Yes, I want to do the best and be the best that I can. YES, I can continue to pursue my health and fitness goals/dreams. YES, I can get back into those skinny jeans or look good at the beach with my shirt off this summer”.

Its time to stop dreaming and hoping and saying, NO… I can’t find the time for my exercise or NO, good food is to expensive. It’s time to say YES, for you and for your dreams.

Now, it can get a little tricky when you say yes, YES means taking some chances, putting yourself out there, embracing the unknown or perhaps just giving up some things you love (like an adult beverage or sweets). However, when you open yourself up to YES, amazing things can happen. Marvelous memories are created and you accomplish things you only dared to dream in your own private thoughts, because you thought perhaps people would laugh or ridicule you.

What challenge can you own right now, what can you say YES to?

  • 3 Strength Workouts each week?
  • No Sweets after Dinner?
  • No more than 1 adult beverage per week?
  • Finding more protein and vegetables in your diet?

Of course, only YOU can answer that.

If you decide you want to say YES, and you feel like you need a little help in knowing what that YES should be. You are invited into a Free private 30 minute consultation (with me) where we can discuss if saying YES to Boot Camp or Kettlebell or Advocare’s 24 Day Challenge is right for you. It is a $50 value, but I do stay pretty busy this time of year so don’t delay in emailing or calling me to claim one of those spots: or 404 625-5778.

Here’s to a year of YES and a year filled with your wildest fitness dreams coming true.

Your Coach

Jeremy Gritton


Did you know that you can now join one of my group programs without being a member of World Gym. They even give you a FREE week to use anything in the gym, if you join one of my programs. Plus, they do offer a discounted plan for anyone who does want the other access. Its a great way to save some money if all you want or need is access into a GTS program.

1 Mile Challenge

Hey Gang,

I have had so many of you ask about more running plans so here is what I’ve come up with.

Starting tomorrow, lets see how many people can improve their fastest one mile run by 30 seconds or more. It will be a 4 week challenge starting November 15th – December 13th.

Everyone who would like to participate make sure you go out and do a one mile run and time yourself. Preferably outside, but if you do it on the treadmill it needs to be on incline of 1.0 to simulate running outside.

Lets get all these starting timed miles in by Sunday of this week 11/18/12. You can either email me or post on the blog where you started. Doesn’t matter if you walk some, jog some or run a Roger Banister (sub 4 minute mile) the point is to try and improve your time and ability within the 4 weeks.

Here is the plan for everyone to try and help you improve:

Week #1:

  • Timed 1 mile on flat course (warm-up 1/2 mile first)
  • Warm-up then, either 4 repeats of 1/2 mile hard effort (preferably faster than your 1mile pace) with 1/4 m jog in-between
  • Optional third day – Easy jog of 3-4 miles (or whatever  a longer effort is for you)

Week #2:

  • Warm-up 1/2 mile then, hard run of 2 minutes followed by 1 minute recoveries X6
  • Warm-up 1/2 mile then 1/2 mile HARD effort, followed by 90 seconds recovery X4
  • Optional third day – try to find a hilly course or use the hills on the treadmill and use moderate speeds

Week #3:

  • Warm-up then hill repeats. Try to find a hill that takes about 20 seconds to sprint up then jog down rest 60-90 seconds and repeat for 10 total rounds.
  • Warm-up then 3/4 mile hard effort, followed by 2 minutes easy jog x3
  • Optional third day – easy jog 4-4.5

Week #4:

  • Re-test your 1 mile effort

Would love to see a bunch of you participate in this if possible, if you have any questions let me know.

You know the saying, if you want to go fast…you got to go fast! Its the only way to really get better.

Your Coach


track workout

Hey gang,

I had someone request the run workout from this morning. If anyone wants to do it tomorrow morning or at another time, here it is:

(Remember, 400 is a lap)


  • 800 warm-up
  • 1200 trying to get faster with each lap (x2) with a 2-3 minute rest in-between
  • 800 cool-down, be sure to stretch


  • 800 warm-up
  • 1200 same as above, going faster on each lap (x3) with 2 minute rest in-between
  • 800 cool-down and stretch


  • 800 warm-up
  • 1200 same as above (x4) with 2 minute rest in-between
  • 800 cool-down and stretch

Your goal is to challenge yourself each lap to go faster (whatever that means for you).

Be sure to warm-up can cool-down properly and always stretch after hard intervals like these.

If the rain keeps you from the track, just come inside on a treadmill.

If your at the track and you get approached by a short little dude to join their group. You tell him I will hammer him into the track like a nail… On our last hard lap he actually ran past us to get to Stephanie B and tried to recruit her to his group. I guess we weren’t fast enough for him… Big mistake shortie… Nobody tries to recruit my peeps 🙂 Such a funny thing… after we got past the insult that is.

I just booked the hotel in Savannah for the half marathon (Nov 3rd). Brandy and the kiddos are coming with us! Hope ya’ll are there as well!


Your Coach



GRC Schedule and Races

Hey Gang,

Here is the schedule for GRC group runs in September: (and one extra in August, not originally planned)

  • Tue Aug. 28th at Track (recently added date)
  • Thur Aug. 30th at Track (Sharon Demidio will be organizing)
  • Thur Sep. 6th at Track
  • Sat Sep. 8th at Drake Field (for longer runs)
  • Wed Sep. 12th at Track
  • Sat Sep. 15th at Drake Field
  • Tue Sep. 18th at Track
  • Thur Sep. 20th at Track
  • Wed Sep. 26th at Track
  • Sat Sep. 29th at Drake Field

If you are going to run the Savannah Half or Full Marathon or the Soldiers Half/Full please post your name here. Plus which race (or both with me and Sharon…) you are running in.

Remember, if you are in the running club keep track of your mileage every time you run. We will have some K-CLUB awards down the road.

Your Coach



I am registered for PTC Classic 15k, Savannah Half and Soldiers Half.

Beach Body Winners

Hi Everyone,

After 12 weeks of amazing workouts, strict nutritional choices and a whole lot of fun the results are in for our Beach Body Contest.

Before I get to that I wanted to let everyone know how inspiring it was to see so many of you engaged and motivated these past three months. Gives me great joy and pleasure to see our clients striving to be and become better. By putting myself out there and by watching all of you it forced me to make time for my own exercise instead of sitting in front of this computer.

As you the know the Grand Prize winner is going to receive a check for $500 big ones! I will also tell you there were many other incredible changes besides the overall winner. Here are just a few that really jumped out at me:

  1. Angie Taber who has been a client for over 2 yrs came to the nutritional seminar and got motivated to use the knowledge she had already gained over the past couple of years. It just goes to show you that just because you know what to do it doesn’t mean the results will happen. Angie lost an amazing 19.5lbs and dropped her body-fat by 22.36%! If you haven’t seen her recently be sure congratulate her because she looks amazing.
  2. David Johnson started just 4 months ago in our 24 Day Challenge and has completely transformed. He had already lost 9lbs and a ton of body-fat, but he was still able to drop an additional 12lbs and get his body-fat down to 16%. It must have been his better half – Dawn Campbell because she changed her body-fat by over 18% and only lost a couple of pounds. Its much harder to do when you are not wanting to lose weight so great job David and Dawn.
  3. Renee Day  who is my accountant as well as the much, much better half of our coach Kim Day dropped her body-fat by nearly 20% and also didn’t want to lose much weight. Renee, I’m so proud of your hard work!
  4. Kirsetn Glavosek gave our winner a good run for his money… by dropping over 25% of her body-fat and losing 15lbs. Kirsten was brand new to Boot Camp, but soon fell in love with that crazy early morning group. She even changed her work schedule so she didn’t have to leave class early each morning. What makes me so proud is that Kirsten has decided to continue her membership and make this a lifestyle. I have no doubt that she will continue to reach and exceed her goals.

There were many other inspiring stories and I just want to say great job to everyone who embraced this program and made some changes in their lifestyle. Short term programs like this are great, but nothing is as important as finding balance for future success.

I know everyone knows by now, but our overall winner of the $500 smackers is Louis Angotti dropping from 23% body-fat to 15.1% and losing23lbs in the process. That drop (when done as a percentage) is over 34% change and Louis is well deserving of the $500 prize. Here are a couple of pics Louis recently shared with me so you can see his overall journey.


Louis Before KettlebellLouis with Daughters

As you can see Louis has been on a journey, but over these past 3 months it has been amazing to watch his transformation. Congratulations Louis on your $500 prize, but even more than that your trust and hard work in Kettlebell. It is an honor to be your coach.

On one last note, you know I shared with you that I wanted to drop my body-fat and I put out there that my goal was 9% or less. I am proud to say that I accomplished my goal and reached 8.6% body-fat with the final measurement. I can tell you that having people watching and waiting was one powerful motivator. As you may or may not know one of the three principles my company stands for is “Leading by Example” and I’m proud to say I did my very best.

I won’t say what the final score was between Kim, Celia, Ricky and I…but I will say everyone did well…But yes, I did beat Kim in case anyone is wondering. If I needed any extra motivation, it was the thought of Kim having bragging rights forever.